Our Services

A quick look at some of the many services we are proud to provide.


The physical demarcation of one or more property lines and/or one or more property corners.

Typically, this includes ‘Iron Rods’ set at ‘Lot Corners’ and ‘Wooden Stakes’ placed along ‘Property Lines’.

A broad survey, varying in its breadth and scope, typical for producing ‘Proposed Plans’ as well as ‘Site Plans’ for engineering and architectural projects during their initial ‘design phase’.

Such surveys may include some, all, or more than the

Location of Structures

Location of Roadways & Easements

Location of Utilities

Location of Trees

Location of Vegetation/Landscaping

Location of Water Bodies

Topography & Topographic features

Generally, a ‘Site Plan’ is issued upon completion of this work; typically followed by a ‘Proposed Plan’ detailing all the proposed structures and features to be installed at the site.

See ‘Site Plan’ & ‘Proposed Plan’ below.

A survey used to aid in the construction process. This may be more or less in-depth depending on the circumstance and needs of our client, but may include: 

Grade Staking

Staking of Proposed Structures

Foundation / As-builts


A plan detailing a property’s boundaries, its total square footage, its existing and proposed structures, and its existing conditions/topography, as necessitated by the town.

Projects which the town requires a proposed plan for, may include:

1. Building a fence.

2. Constructing proposed structures or additions.

3. Improving/altering a property in another permanent way.

A plan detailing the existing property lines of a parcel of land, as delineated by its title, deed, and record plan.

A plan extensively detailing the existing conditions of a property, generally at a scope set by the construction to take place. Such plans are typical for the initial design phase of a project.

A plan delineating the created property lines of a new subdivision of land, to be recorded at the county’s registry of deeds.

A plan created following a standardized, detail-intensive survey set forth by the American Land Title Association and the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping; often requested to fulfill the requirements of a lending institution or a purchaser.

The “Standards” and “Table A” linked here.


A plan required by mortgage lenders and title insurance companies to identify any potential survey problems with a property before its purchase and sale.

A survey which creates and establishes individual condominium units within a preexisting dwelling or apartment structure.

A survey to identify whether a property is located within a flood zone and–if so–whether its owner(s) require flood insurance.

A property owner may require an elevation survey prior to:

Construction of structures or additions within an existing flood hazard zone.

A property owner may want an elevation survey to:

Attempt to reduce their insurance cost.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has reported an average saving of $90,000 over the span of 10 years for property owners following their flood guidelines.

A legal document required by lenders for the purchase and sale of commercial properties.

These reports inform the lender and prospective buyer of their property’s zoning district and the use regulations, restricted and permissible, as they relate to their commercial enterprise.